Links : Rent Roll Sales - Valuers

Opulence Consultancy
Contact: Tarsi Hynes
Address: Level 23, 127 Creek Street
Brisbane QLD
Phone: (07) 3232 1258
Email: click here to email

What we do!

Business Valuations
1. Rent Roll Business Valuations
2. Real Estate Agency Sales & Rent Roll Business Valuations
3. Management Rights Business Valuations

Due Diligence
A comprehensive due diligence service assisting buyers and sellers in minimising their risk when purchasing or selling a rent roll, by providing a complete overview of each property management file, ensuring that all paper and property compliancy is contained before taking over the management.

Business Consultancy
Assisting third party professionals such as Banks, Receivers, Liquidators and Administrators in preparing and preserving the real estate business for sale.